Monday, November 27, 2006

Studio Challenge # 009

Well Mignola month has come and gone and now we enter into the holiday season.
All this being said and as we approach Christmas that can mean only one thing,
"Wolverine Versus ..."

Take your stab at Marvel Comics Canadian badboy Logan.
Have him fighting what, or who-ever you want, have fun, be creative, or make a point...

... er-- Just Draw 'em and post 'em,


Logan vs. the disembodied head of Magneto.
I am moving next week so I wont be online- I'm cutting the cable tomorrow, (I don't want to be charged for another month for just 1 days use).
So Evan will be posting next weeks challenge and I will have to update as I find service.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Studio Challenge # 008

I'm Thankful for...

We are wrapping up Mignola week here at FMLB COMICS, and this weeks challenge is to draw something you are thankful for.
Of-course I personally, am thankful for Mike Mignola and all the inspiration he gives me, but, this week you can, like I wrote earlier, draw something you are thankful for, or a turkey in you best quasi Mignol-esque style.

Happy Thanksgiving guys and gals!

Draw 'em and post 'em.

This was what came to mind after reading the challenge.

It actually kind of scares me though...


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Studio Challenge # 007

Got it covered...
Recreate one of Mignola's covers, either with the characters he had on it, or, switch them out with any character of your choice.
Draw 'em and post 'em.


Well, I saw this and automatically thought of his B.P.R.D. cover
So obviously I did the next logical thing...a Heroes for Hire cover, heh heh! Growing up, Luke Cage was my favorite comic character next to Spider Man, so since I uses Spidey on my first challenge, I finally found a way to get Luke into the mix.

ok first off, sorry i was so late and missing in action last week. finals.
but on to the challenge. i took a conan cover. and made it a dr scott carroll cover. he was an archeologist! neat!
hope you like.
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Here is my quickie, MissleMan after Hellboy "The Island" issue #2.

This is late, finals slowed me down. I was planning on coloring it, I'll do that later. This is based on the novel cover by Mignola The God Machine.I replaced the characters with BucketBoy and some rabid raccoons.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Studio Challenge # 006

It's a new challenge and the second week of Mignola Month here at FMLB COMICS.
This weeks challenge is entiteld, "MIND OF MIGNOLA".
Mike has brought a lot to the comic community, from fantastic worlds to astonishing characters.
This week draw as many or as few of Mike's creations for the challenge, but throw it the way you would have done it, wether its Abe Sapian or Adolf's disembodied head, throw it down.

Draw 'em and post 'em,

Dunno, I just thought that Emperor Zombie from the Amazing Screw-On Head might try to fight Lincoln with a giant John Wilkes Booth. But mainly I just wanted to draw Emperor Zombie.

Cyber Gorilla

Lobster Johnson- What a cool character.