Saturday, September 30, 2006

Mike Ransom Getty - Penciler, Inker, Colorist

Hey there, my name is Mike Ransom Getty. I too, am a student at the Savannah College of Art and Design studying Sequential Art with an Animation minor. I'm graduating this year and would love to work in comics. I'm originally from Essex Jct., Vermont. As I stated in my blog, the reason I draw comics probably goes all the way back to when I was a wee young'n playing superheroes with my BFF. He was older, and seeing as how Adam West was older than Burt Ward, he rightfully deserved to be Batman leaving me the dreadful role of Robin. So I draw to make up for never being able to be the superhero I wanted to be as a kid. I draw them to reclaim my youth which was robbed from me... or at least I say that because it makes for a good story. Also, I am proudly the creator of probably the worst comic book character to date: Tooth Brush Boy. Might be putting together a comic for MegaCon, come over and see if I do.

This Invincible zombie cover idea I did recently and probably has been posted for the last time. I think I've worn it out. Working on one of my favorite childhood superheroes right now and can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

Sarah Goodreau - Illustrator

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

hello! this is Sarah Goodreau and i also am one of the little boys in FatMan & LittleBoy COMICS.....even though i am a girl. i attend the Savannah College of Art and Design, majoring in Illustration, although i like to make the small comic story books. my drawing and story telling style is a bit more offbeat. it can best be described as creepy ugly cute. i like writing backwards and use that a lot. i also like alphabets and lists. i like to draw eyes that look like circles. i like a lot of other things too. you will soon see more and all of it.


Friday, September 29, 2006

Evan Bryce - Resident Foreigner (non-local)

Hi, my name's Evan Bryce, and I'm new to the group. Sam just invited me this evening and I had to oblige. I've been into comics since I was little, and was always trying to draw superheroes in my sketchbooks and in class, much to the chagrin of my teachers. As I grew older, I had to decide whether I was going to be a psychologist or an artist. Business was out of the question because I sucked in economics. Psychology would take to long and I found out I hated listening to everybody around me. So I entered college with the dream of becoming an illustrator, only to find that it was filled with typography, a dreaded nemesis of mine. So I changed majors and hopefully I'll graduate after next semester.

Unlike the other group members, I'm based out of Texas, and I'm still in school for a non-comic related degree. I've been working in comics now for a little over a year. I began my career doing color flats on a book called the Hunger for the now defunct Speakeasy Comics, after a few issues of flatting the book changed companies to Markosia where for the graphic novel I also colored the cover, colored half of an issue, and had a 5 page story that unfortunately due to a mix-up was missing all of the text! If you actually bought the Graphic Novel and actually want the text to read, e-mail me and I'll get it to you.

Currently, I just finished pencilling, inking and doing digital watercolor-like gray tones on an 8 page, 55 panel (scary, I know) story for the Image anthology book Negative Burn. It is for December's Issue #8, so please be on the lookout. It was written by Joe Keatinge, a fine fellow I met at Heroes who works at Image. So kids, the moral of the story is, go to Heroes in Charlotte, not only will you have fun, but you'll meet talented folks that you can work with. That's why they call it networking.

I also moderate over at the Gaijin Messageboard, which is where I met Sam, as well as a lot of other fine folks. It's definitely one of the more down to earth art boards around, and a lot of well respected pros visit all the time.

This month, I've also got a table in artist's alley at the Dallas Comic Con. So if you happen to be attending, feel free to stop by and say hello. Though a lot of the time I'll be hanging out with Brian Stelfreeze. I'll be doing convention sketches, and I might have some of the sketchbooks I printed for Heroes left to sell.

Anyways, enough about me. I'm just ready to have a lot of fun. As my friends say (and I cringe) "Let's have an aesthetic experience!"...I told you...lame.


Rick Winward - Penciler, Inker, Colorist

Hey, this is Rick Winward I'm one of the LittleBoys in FatMan LittleBoy COMICS.
I'm originally from Pocatello Idaho where I was raised, and suckled by raccoons.
I'm currently a graduate student at the Savannah College of Art and Design.
I have a B.F.A in sequential art from SCAD.
I'm self publishing a comic that is in the process of being finished.
Its called BucketBoy it will be available at Megacon.


Sam Ellis - Visual Story Teller

Let the introductions begin.
I'm Sam Ellis…
… the founder and Art Director for FatMan & LittleBoy COMICS.
I founded this little studio back in 2002 with my buddy Christen Schrader while we were working on a book/ series called "Then There Were THREE".
Christen moved on and went to medical school, although we are still good friends.
I went back to school myself, really to validate my life as a comic artist by getting a paper that said what I do is legite.
I graduated from the Savannah College of Art & Design with a BFA in Sequential Art, and sad robots make me happy, I really don't think there is anything really wrong with that.

I do Funny Books…
… and self published my first book back in 2004 "MissleMan's Nothing Special".
I am currently working on an ongoing series with the main character from the book.
MissleMan started out as a joke.
Dark Horse Comics was doing an online talent search ( which prompted me to create Missleman man of missle.
I did a quick four panels one of which said BOOM and sent it off.
Needless to say it bombed, it was just like sending a dud, and MissleMan just sat on a shelf for a while.
In 2003 my pal Robert Atkins and I got a table in Artist Alley in Wizard World Chicago, this is when I decided to revamp the character.
In the spring of 2004 I released the MissleMan's Nothing Speacial through cafepress.
Which leads us back to the beginning.

Well thats enough about me for now, I might regail you with tales of the good ol' days later but for now I will turn it over to the rest of the crew.
